Saturday, March 27, 2010

My Monster

I've been in a fairly foul mood lately, too foul, I thought, to blog. I've changed my mind. I think blogging may help my mood. So where to start...

I haven't talked too much about Monster on here. I don't call him Monster because of his behavior. He really likes monsters. The cute Monsters Inc. kind of monsters. Anyways. I love my Monster boy and he can be incredibly sweet, but there is another side of him when things aren't going his way and he snaps. The screaming, the kicking, the hitting and did I mention the screaming. I can barely take him out in public anymore because it seems like ever outing ends or starts with a major meltdown. Now I know it's the terrible twos but that doesn't seem entirely normal. While I know I probably aided in this behavior I don't think it's entirely my fault. But who is to know...

I finally broke down and made a doctors appointment for him this week. I don't know exactly what I'm hoping for, but I do know I need help. Maybe even if the doctor can tell me what sort of things I could have done to trigger this behavior or something that could have triggered this. Anything. At this point I'm at a loss. I've also talked to someone about getting him and I into counseling to discuss ways for me to handle his behavior and how to make it better. Kind of like Super Nanny without the whole nation watching.

I guess that is something I will have more to talk about in a few weeks when we've seen the doctor and actually gotten him enrolled in counseling. Hopefully I won't make the same mistakes in parenting Little Lady. I don't think I will. They are so different I don't expect her to be much of a problem. She's usually so happy. Although much like her brother, when she is mad she is REALLY mad. Parenting really is a constant learning experience.

In fact the term "new parent" really shouldn't be used for first time parents. If you think about it we are always new at something. While I may have parented a 3 month old before I've never parented a 3 month old and a two year old at the same time. Nor have I ever parented a two year old before. When he turns 3 I will be new at parenting a 3 year old. And on and on it goes. We are always learning something as parents.

In other news, we signed the lease on that apartment in the aforementioned post. It's a year lease starting on May 1st. It's exciting to think of all the first my family will have there. It will probably be the first place Little Lady crawls, the first place she walks, the first place I get little Monster ready for preschool or a soccer game. We are still so new at this family thing we have so many things a head of us. It is such an exciting adventure. I love my kids and my husband so much. I can't wait for the things to come in my marriage and with my children. I will happily take all the bad because it makes the good so much better.

Much like Little Lady's screaming colic time. Without that I don't think I would appreciate her smiles or coos half as much. Or Monster's hugs. I adore when he hugs and kisses me at night. It can melt the whole awful day away. I love when I'll be holding Little Lady and Monster will come and crawl in my lap too. There really is nothing like holding both of my kids close. I only have a limited time to do so, so I better make the most of it.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


There is a great giveaway going on over here

I love their blog have have been reading it since the beginning. I'm really excited about their book and I'm hoping my library gets it in. If not I may ask for it for my birthday which is coming up in a week.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Is Two Twice the Work?

Monster was really acting up today. My final days of the quarter have really been tough on him. All my attention and D's attention has been focused on getting me to pass the quarter and on the Little Miss who is completely helpless. So today Monster = big stinker. In fact he did something that was very not cool, but led to a sweet event.

Let me explain. I was in the living room and D had both kids in the room watching the health care debate. All of a sudden I hear all three of them yelling and some stomping around. Turns out somehow Monster had gotten D's watch and for some reason or another threw it. The watch ended up hitting Little Miss in the chest, eliciting screams, which D said he was sure it was more from surprise than pain. So D put Monster in his crib and came back to comfort Little Miss. In I come after talking to Monster and Little Miss reached for me!!! D said he thought it was coincidence at first, but then she clung to me, and he was sure she was actually wanting me. It was just so amazing, my little girl reached out for me because she wanted ME!

It is just so surprising. I remember Monster was about her age when he started preferring me, but she is nothing like him I forgot. I was also formula feeding him about half the time at this age, and always just assumed that's why he was clinging to me. Little Miss and Monster (who from here on out may also be referred to as Z) are such different people and kids. They have completely different temperaments.

I remember Z was a mostly happy baby, but not too happy. But he had a temper. When he was mad, he was REALLY mad. Much like Z, Little Miss also has a temper. She lets you know when she is angry. But when she is happy she is really happy. Smiling, laughing and constantly cooing. I love changing her diaper just because it makes her so happy. She starts laughing and smiling and cooing like crazy. It's adorable. Z didn't coo too much at this age. He was an observer. Little Miss observes, but joins in on the conversation. I knew they would be different, but I guess I just didn't know what to expect. I also didn't expect them both to like each other so much.

I adore how much they like each other. If Z is in a full blown fit and we're at home I can usually distract him by getting his attention focused on Little Miss. And sometimes the reverse is true. Sometimes she'll sit wherever she is (our laps, the Bumbo, her swing or laying on the floor) and just watch Z run around. She'll smile and laugh as she watches him. It's times like that that really make the hard parts worth it. I feel confident that while there may be a few episodes like today's "watch" ordeal there will be many more pleasant times because of how much they seem to enjoy each other. And for that I feel so lucky. Maybe two won't be SO hard after all. :D

Baby Carriers

I am obsessed with baby carriers. I have a bad back and when I had my son I was always in search of the perfect carrier. I had even given up on baby wearing for a few months after he was born. I tried many and FINALLY found one I was content with. The Beco Butterfly. I loved the carrier. I still love it, but I discovered a carrier called the Boba today and I'm not feeling so content anymore. I want a carrier that goes higher up in the back for my son. He is ALWAYS struggling. One day I had him on my back and my daughter in the Moby and a saleslady was so worried he was just going to flip over the top. While I was feeling like he wasn't going to, I did not like the struggling feeling.

I love my Beco for my daughter. Just stick her in the infant insert and I can wear her for hours. Same with the Moby. I need to remind myself how awesome the Beco is and how it will still work for my son. I feel like the Beco doesn't get much love. Everyone is all about the Ergo. I can't say I know too much about the Ergo. I only wore it once, but in my experience the Beco was better for my back. I liked that I didn't need a waist extension with the Beco (yep I'm a big girl). Plus it comes with the infant insert. No shelling out an extra $30 on top of the $110+. I also feel like the Beco insert is safer, but that's just my feeling. I like that the Beco is good for "new" carriers like myself. I don't have to worry about my son falling out if I unstrap the bottom. Which I do sometimes to distribute weight. I also like the ease of putting him on my back. No worrying he's going to fall. With the Boba I would have to learn to do all that. While the Beco isn't perfect I could sing it's praises all night. It got me back into baby wearing and I love carrying each and both of my children in it.

So while the Boba would be nice for my son I don't have endless money to go out and buy one. So I MUST stay content with my Beco!

Thursday, March 18, 2010


We've kind of had it with the apartments we are living in. We have been looking at moving the last week or so, but only seen one place. The place we've looked at has a lot of pros and cons. We haven't been able to get into any other place that we want to see.

-has a "garage" that my car can fit in. Right now the car the kids' carseats are in has to park a block a way and I have to take them both back to the house and hope little man doesn't get loose.
-has a storage space for extra things downstairs.
-has a place to lock bikes up. We had our current bikes locked up to a tree with a tarp, this will be a huge improvement.
-has an elevator. No more trying to get down 14 stairs while trying to hold onto both kids.
-The kitchen space is better laid out. No more eating over the carpeted area
-I like the living room layout.
-The shared hallways seem cleaner than our current one.
-There is a linen closet
-It's a block away
-The ceiling is falling in.
Our ceiling has already fallen in and been replaced 2 times in the last 9 months.

-There is no "coat closet" or a "broom closet" or anywhere to put tall items.
-The rooms are SMALL. The rooms in our current location are very big. So going to rooms that are even smaller than standard size could pose a problem
-The bathroom is small! No place for hampers or anything extra.
-While this seems like a silly con The room with the tv will not have a cable hook up. I love watching my morning shows in peace.
-Not many kids in the building. I'm more worried about the noise factor with our kids. Currently there aren't kids in our building, but there are a lot of younger people who are loud.
-No balcony. We don't currently have one either, and that's why I really want one. I want a place to put some plants and a place to sun bleach my cloth diapers. And just a place to step outside.
-The rent is a little bit more than what we are currently paying.

So there you have it. The pros and cons. There is this other place that we are looking at, but they keep canceling our appointment. It's in a different area, but it has things like 2 bathrooms and a balcony. They are replacing everything in this apartment and I like the idea of everything being new. Whatever we decide we will be stuck there for a year.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Cloth Diapering

So I got the brilliant idea when Little Miss was born that I wanted to cloth diaper. I had done some with my son, but stopped once he grew out of it. He used AIOs and at the time it was a lot of work and ickyness. I've always liked the idea of cloth diapering, but could never commit.

After looking into it more I decided I was going to give it a go. Okay, I wish I could say that's what really got me started. What REALLY got me started was finding Gro Baby diapers. I saw them on a blog and thought they were just the cutest things in the world. I HAD to have them, my little girl HAD to have them. I talked to the hubs about it and he was skeptical because he knows me and he knows I get really gung ho about something and then it is either a huge start up cost and I don't follow through, or I just don't follow through. Lucky for me he has a hard time saying no to me. I read a lot about cloth diapers, we both try to be as eco-minded as possible. For some reason we really love our disposables. We use the Seventh Generation, but we know it doesn't make up for space in the land fill. Mostly it's because of our son's skin. *Back to the point* I read more about diapers and really felt I needed to do this. We got a lot of different size disposables for my baby shower, so we finally decided that we would cloth diaper during the day and use her disposables on trips and overnight.

After all that we had to discuss how many we were going to get. We have a few AIOs left over from little boy, but they aren't one size and they won't fit her now. I was really set on the Gro Baby diapers. So we agreed to get the sample pack containing two and go from there. I knew that they two diapers wouldn't be enough for a day, but couldn't stand paying that much for diapers if we didn't like them. I had heard a lot about the Flip system and wanted to give that a go. So we decided to buy a day pack of Flip and a sample pack of the Gro Baby.
After all that they FINALLY got here. (I had ordered them 2 weeks ago.) I couldn't wait to try them out. But first I had to wash them a few times. Needless to say it took all day and I didn't get to try them until this morning.

It was the first diaper change I've ever been really excited for. So far I really like it. Little Miss seems to as well. Either that or she hates it. How can I tell? She normally only poops once a day, today it was thrice. I hope she loves them because I don't plan on stopping any time soon.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Colic Time

Little Miss has colic. I feel like I shouldn't complain because I know some babies out there have it way worse than Little Miss. With a combination of gripe water, a flax seed lavender bag and Vick's baby rub I am able to combat the colic... a little. The last few nights during her normal 6-11pm colic time she has been pleasant. Today during her normal colic time she was in her swing watching little Monster running back and forth. She was giggling watching him and it was amazing. I couldn't believe that my baby girl who was normally a beast around that time was so happy. Giggling!! D and I tried not to talk about it. I think both of us feared she would turn into a fussy mess. But nope. The rest on the evening went on pleasantly. Then we went to bed and D fell asleep while I tried homework. 11 o'clock came and she started crying. She had just eaten, but being near my breast seemed to comfort her so I let her eat again. When she was done I burped her and laid her down in the co-sleeper. She started crying! BLERG!. So I used the trusty combination of gripe water, the rub and her bag. She is now soundly sleeping. I don't know which of those is actually effective, maybe it's a little of each. All I know is I'm not willing to stop any of those to find out. It'll be our little routine. Hopefully she outgrows it soon, Monster was never this bad. It really is true that every baby is different.